Hypnosis Pain Relief
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From: Alan B. Densky, CH

Dear Friend,

Alan B. Densky, CH - consulting hypnotist


Have you thought about using hypnosis pain relief MP3 downloads? Or how about hypnosis migraine relief, or hypnosis headache relief? Or, how about back pain hypnosis?

If you often suffer from any type of headache or migraine pain, or any other type of physical body pain, then you know how pain can make anyone feel completely miserable.


Pain leaves the sufferer in a foul mood, kills their motivation, and hinders them from participating in their normal activities. Pain puts everyone in a state of helplessness and agony.


And did you know... medical experts believe that migraine attacks can increase the risk of getting a stroke?


With all the problems associated with pain, many people turn to constant medication as their first line of chronic pain relief. But the bad news is that not only can this be expensive and addicting, but the side effects of pain medication can pose serious risks to our health and lives!



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The side effects of certain 
pain relief pills or drugs include:

Realizing how countless people (including me) desperately need a solution to treat headache pain, migraine headache and other forms of chronic pain, I committed myself to studying and discovering the ultimate pain treatment to end everyone's agony - easily, quickly, safely and permanently!


Hypnosis For Chronic Pain Relief

Fortunately, I learned how to create effective pain relief through hypnosis. So, I created a series of hypnosis audios to eradicate any pain in a flash. Every time I use it, as soon as I feel the first sign of a headache coming on, I can completely abort the headache within a few seconds - before it even gets started.


Back Pain Hypnosis

Several clients of mine who were formerly suffering from headaches - or even severe migraines and other excruciating body pains, like low back pain - report the same success... all without the high costs and dangerous side effects of medication!


These types of hypnosis migraine relief and hypnosis headache relief treatments may sound too good to be true, especially to people who haven't been able to eliminate their headache symptoms and other physical pain, despite trying all sorts of treatments.

Please reserve judgment until you've read every word on this page, because this may be the only pain solution that can permanently end your misery... no matter how unbearable your condition may be.

Breakthrough Hypnosis Pain Relief Techniques

Have Helped Thousands

Relieve Headaches, Migraines And Other Body Pains

Since stress can greatly contribute to pain, headaches and migraine symptoms, my methods capitalize on the use of self-hypnosis to dissipate stress and produce a more peaceful state of existence that is free of debilitating pain, headache or migraine.

You might be asking, "But what if the pain is not related to stress? Will it still work?"

The answer is "absolutely yes!" My NLP and hypnosis migraine relief techniques can cure any type of pain, anywhere in the body, even if stress is not a factor.

It does this by activating endorphins, which are known to be "natural pain killers." Some experts claim that endorphins also strengthen our immune system, improve our mood, lower blood pressure, and make our body age slower.

Endorphins are created in your pituitary gland and hypothalamus, both located in the brain.

That's why my hypnosis for migraines pain relief methods have not only eliminated even the most severe migraine or chronic pain suffered by my clients, but it has also put them in a state of pure comfort and tranquility.

And if a headache is attributed to any other reason, such as blood vessel dilatation in the brain, it can be dissipated in a matter of seconds because my hypnosis for migraines and hypnosis for headaches treatment also enables you to instantly reduce the blood pressure in the brain.

Amazingly, my chronic pain relief technology covers all aspects of pain treatment... no matter the cause or intensity of the pain.

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Would you like to learn more about this incredible hypnotherapy breakthrough? It's called...

How To Learn Hypnosis At Home

"Peace Of Mind!"
Hypnosis and NLP Pain Relief

Pain Management Hypnosis CDs and MP3 Downloads

Since opening my practice in 1978, I've worked with scores of clients in private sessions for general pain, headache and migraine relief.


Now I've recorded my most effective methods so that everyone, everywhere, can live a comfortable and pain-free life. The result is my "Peace of Mind!" Hypnosis and NLP for Pain Relief program.

This hypnosis chronic pain treatment uses powerful and highly effective Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and NLP sessions to condition your unconscious mind to:

The hypnosis for migraines sessions in this program can greatly diminish the symptoms and discomforts of migraine or a regular headache. Because most sufferers receive warning signals that alert them that they are about to have a migraine, many can learn to use the hypnotic techniques in this program to abort the migraine relatively quickly.

And in session 3, the client will enjoy using the most powerful and effective NLP pattern on the planet, it's known as the "Flash." This procedure actually reprograms the subconscious to use stressful thoughts as triggers for relaxing thoughts that create feelings of peace instead.


In other words, you won't even be able to think the thoughts that upset you, because your unconscious will instantly and automatically change them in a Flash to thoughts that relax you instead.

These NLP and hypnosis for migraines CDs are the perfect solution for anyone who suffers from any kind of physical pain, standard headaches or migraines on a regular basis, especially for those who dislike taking drugs.

After all, medication can drain the budget, become very addicting and produce life-threatening side effects. (Who would want to take that risk anyway?)

My hypnosis program for pain, headache or migraine relief is a 100% natural, drug-free remedy; so there's absolutely no negative side effects. It is a soothing, relaxing and healing technology that is quick, safe and effective!

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These Hypnosis for Migraines CDs include:

Migraine Hypnosis CDs - Pain Hypnosis CD


We've compressed 8 Sessions on 8 CDs down to 2 CDs to save you $52.50 and a lot of clutter. Or, order the MP3 Download Program and have it on your computer in two minutes flat!



When you order these Pain & Hypnosis for Migraines CDs, you will know  what it feels like to visit my office and enjoy a full sequence of private sessions (eight) for body pain, headache pain, or migraine relief.


Each session in "Peace Of Mind!" steps you through a different hypnotic technique that will diminish and relieve pain and discomfort. You'll enjoy feeling great for a change!

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Here is What Makes "Peace Of Mind" Much More Effective Than Most Pain Management Hypnosis Programs?



How Much Is Living A Life Free From Pain And Suffering Worth To You?

My clients were very excited to go through my sessions, even though I have a professional fee of $1,050.00 for these sessions in my office. Now my clients are living life to the fullest, bursting with confidence, and enjoying peace of mind knowing that pain doesn't have to be a part of their life anymore.

Since you'll be receiving the same sessions (and results) in hypnosis CD or MP3 download format, I have significantly lowered the price for you!

Your Price Only $49.77

Includes Free Shipping USA
Elsewhere +

That's only $5.59 per session! Which is Only 5%
of what clients in my office
paid for the same sessions.

headache Pain Hypnosis CDs GuaranteeHere Is My 90-Day
100% Money-Back Guarantee

I guarantee this program can eliminate even the most severe migraine, head pain, or any other type of body pain - quickly, easily, safely and effectively. And to prove it, I'm shouldering all the risks for you. (Read My Full Money Back Guarantee)

About Your Hypnotist: The internationally known Consulting Hypnotist who created this program, Alan B. Densky, CH, started his full time practice back in 1978. He has extensive training and certification in hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming. He has combined the power of hypnosis and NLP to create a revolutionary program designed to propel you to success, and help you attain peace of mind.

All of his programs are designed to mimic a series of personal one-on-one office sessions at a tiny fraction of the cost. People in over 40 countries have used Mr. Densky’s programs with great success.

Program includes: 8 Hypnosis & NLP Session Program

Note: “Peace Of Mind!” Headache & Pain Relief Program is available in four formats:

A. High Quality Audio on CDs (8 Sessions). This includes a Quick Start Download of Instructional Session 1 & a Power Relaxation MP3. $49.77

B. Instant Download MP3s (8 Sessions). Full program as a series of MP3s that you download right now. No sales tax or shipping fees anywhere. $49.77

C. High Quailty Audio CD (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program. $14.95

D. Instant Download MP3 (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session. No sales tax or shipping fees anywhere. $14.95

After your order has completed:
A. CDs and DVDs: will be shipped to you within 24 hours.

B. MP3 Downloads: An email will be sent to you within minutes. It will contain a link to your download and include downloading instructions. If you don’t receive the email, please check your “Spam” folder. These files are quite large, so a Broadband connection is required.

MP3s Must be downloaded to a desktop computer. They may then be transferred from a desktop computer to a phone or mobile device.



90 Day Money Back Guarantee


CD ROMHigh Fidelity CDs Shipped To You
8 Sessions
“Peace Of Mind!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Pain Relief

Regular Price $68.00
Now Only $49.77

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MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
8 Sessions
“Peace Of Mind!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Pain Relief MP3s

Regular Price $68.00
Now Only $49.77

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CD ROMHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
“Pain Release!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Pain Relief CD

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95 + Shipping

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MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
“Pain Release!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Pain Relief MP3

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95

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Copyright © 2012 By Alan B. Densky, CH