Hypnosis For Depression Anxiety
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Hypnosis For Depression Anxiety

"Relaxation In A Flash!"

5 Star Rating Customer Reviews  

From: Alan B. Densky, CH        

Dear Friend,

Alan B. Densky, CH - Certified Hypnotist

Does hypnosis for depression work?


It's shocking, but true...

Over 121 million people worldwide suffer from depression.


And although many people experience the 'blues' or feel 'down in the dumps' every now and then, the negative effects of long-term or major depression (aka clinical depression) are far worse than what most people realize.


Hypnosis For Depression & Anxiety


Depressed people are usually pessimistic; and they suffer from feelings of sadness, guilt, worthlessness, anxiety or restlessness.


They are also likely to suffer from health problems like insomnia and sleep disorders, weight loss, fatigue, headaches and other body pains.


To The Rescue: Self Hypnosis Depression


Continue Reading and Discover:


In Extreme Cases Of Depression


In extreme cases, depression can cause life-threatening heart diseases, and may lead to thoughts or actual attempts of suicide!


In fact, studies indicate that chronic depression - when left untreated - is the leading cause of suicide. That's because aside from making the victim feel powerless and hopeless, depression can lead them to think, act or behave irrationally.


With several million people suffering from depression disorders, there is an urgent need to quickly and easily treat them; but traditional depression therapy can be very expensive and risky.


Hypnosis For Depression & Anxiety


So, to help as many suffering people as I can, I have created a unique depression hypnosis treatment that is powerful and safe, as a clinical or natural cure for depression. And it is more affordable and effective than most other hypnotherapy for depression solutions.


This breakthrough hypnotherapy for depression has helped many of my clients eliminate all symptoms of anxiety and depression from their lives - and all the negative side effects associated with their disorder - permanently, safely, and effortlessly.


My formerly depressed clients have finally attained a profound sense of purpose in their lives. They are now enjoying exceptional health, blissful peace of mind and happiness... no matter what type of situation they're in.


And would you believe their lives turned around just by listening to some uniquely powerful anti depression NLP and hypnosis audio sessions?


I know that those who have been asking, "Does hypnosis for depression work?", might find it unbelievable that something so simple could be so powerful; but please set your doubts aside until you've read every word on this letter, as this could be the ultimate solution to fight depression and eliminate it permanently from your system.


But first, let's find out what the most common types of depression are, before we delve further into depression hypnotherapy.


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The Most Common
Types of Depression


Major Depression is characterized by a sad mood, sleep disorders, and the lack of desire for food. Often when a person is in a major depression, there is a total lack of motivation and drive, and the sufferer doesn't want to participate in life. Some people are completely disabled by depression and may even consider committing suicide.


Dysthymia is a less severe form of long term depression that generally does not totally disable the individual. But it prevents the person from feeling motivated and functioning at optimum levels. Sometimes people who are suffering with Dysthymia also suffer from Major Depression, and when this occurs it is referred to as double-depression.


Manic Depression, is also known as Bipolar Depression or Bipolar Disorder. This type of depression is less common than the first two. It involves cycles of the Manic state, alternated with the Depressed state. This is often a long term recurring disorder. Sometimes the mood swings are very rapid. But more often they tend to be gradual.


There are many variations of depression, the above are only the three most common.



Sources of Depression


Some types of depression run in families. Living in a stressful environment can lead to depression. A trauma such as a serious loss, financial difficulty, health concern or problem in a relationship can also cause depression.


Note: Women are twice as likely to become depressed as men are, but scientists do not know exactly why.


But here's the surprising part... Very often, various types of depression are simply caused by thinking negative thoughts. So whatever may be causing the depression, it can be resolved simply by changing negative thoughts to positive ones.


Don't believe me? Then test it out! It's really quite basic and simple. Just use your imagination to think about something that you find very sad or troubling. Go ahead, think about it right now! Then come back to this article.


Okay, so what happened? If you really got into it and visualized the sad situation, you began to feel sad and a little depressed. And the longer you allow yourself to stay in that thought pattern, the sadder you will feel. As you stay in those thoughts and keep feeling sadder, you lead yourself into a gradually deepening depression.


The good news is that if you think about a happy memory or even imagine something happy, then you will replace the feelings of sadness and depression with happy feelings. 


Wouldn't it be amazing if you could control and eliminate your depression just by thinking certain thoughts? And the remarkable thing is that anyone - even a 12-year old - can do it with the proper tool or method.


The Ultimate Solution To Eliminate
All Types Of Anxiety & Depression
Is Hypnosis For Depression


Listen closely now, because I'm about to share a phenomenal self-help depression treatment that has worked for thousands of my clients.


You see, our persistent thoughts spring forth from our unconscious mind. These are the thoughts that we find ourselves automatically thinking about throughout the day.


If the persistent thoughts that keep popping into our head are about our problems or sad experiences, then we aggravate our depression & anxiety symptoms.


Now here is the 'Light at the end of the tunnel': Since hypnosis is a medium that we can use to change our unconscious thoughts, the RIGHT hypnosis treatment can effectively and rapidly alter the negative way we think, feel and behave... eradicating all thoughts and emotions that lead to stress, anxiety & depression. 


My hypnosis treatment for anxiety disorder and depression has helped thousands of clients get rid of their disorder - bringing them to a state of total relaxation, contentment and bliss.


And here's the amazing thing: The entire hypnosis treatment for depression and stress simply involves listening to some powerful NLP and hypnosis CDs. Clients just sat back, relaxed and let my hypnotherapy audio CDs eliminate all their depressing negative thoughts and emotions.


Want to know more about the depression-fighting techniques in my hypnosis audio program that have enabled my clients to live a happy life free from depression? Here it is...


Self Hypnosis Depression


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Announcing the

"Relaxation In A Flash!"

Self Hypnosis Audio Downloads

Relaxation Hypnosis CD

My Relaxation In A Flash! Hypnotherapy For Depression Program has quickly eliminated all traces of stress, anxiety & depression from my clients' system.


It utilizes the most astonishing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian depression hypnotherpay techniques available on the planet... allowing them to quickly, easily and effortlessly improve the way they think, feel and behave.  


Even my most depressed clients have instantly felt blissful, serene and calm because this hypnosis for depression anxiety program has allowed them to "mellow out" in a Flash!


Want to know what's included in some of the sessions in this program? 


In session 3, the client will experience one of the most powerful NLP patterns, known as the "Flash."  This technique reprograms the client's unconscious mind to instantly and automatically transform "thoughts that depress, upset or create stress" into "thoughts that create feelings of happiness and relaxation" instead.


In other words, thanks to this depression hypnosis audio program, clients won't even be able to think the thoughts that upset or depress them, because their unconscious will instantly and automatically change them in a Flash to thoughts of relaxation instead.


Another session involves using a self help depression hypnosis treatment that utilizes pleasant memories and fantasies to produce relaxation and pleasure.


In another session, I show the client how to induce a hypnotherapeutic trance or state that produces a profound feeling of relaxation anytime and anywhere... without having to listen to any self hypnosis audio sessions!


Here is what is included:


hypnosis for depression CDs & Downloads


We compress 8 Sessions on 8 CDs down to 2 CDs to save you $52.50 and a lot of clutter. Or, order the MP3 Download Program and have it on your computer in two minutes flat!



Rather than taking risky and expensive anti depression pills, my Relaxation In A Flash! uses powerful self hypnosis depression and NLP techniques to program the client's unconscious to get rid of depression and stress.


Anyone who uses this program will experience:


This program steps the client through everything that is necessary to make rapid life altering changes through Hypnosis. 


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Why Choose "Relaxation In A Flash!" Audio Sessions Over Traditional Depression Medications?


Antidepressant medications may produce a wide variety of side effects. They include:

Antidepressant medications can also be very addicting. Many people have difficulty quitting and experience nasty withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, dizziness, vomiting, stomach and muscle pain.


Not to mention the huge amounts of money being spent if the depressed person can't control the addiction.

Even more shocking is the fact that certain antidepressant medications may increase (instead of decrease) the depression in some people and even raise the risks of committing suicide!

Why put your health and entire life at risk when there's a much easier, safer, quicker and more effective way to stop depression using Relaxation In A Flash!?


What Makes "Relaxation In A Flash!" Much More Powerful Than Most Anti-Depression Hypnosis Programs?






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What Would You Invest To Live A Happy And Healthy Life Free From Depression?


My clients who were suffering from severe depression know what it's like to feel sad, anxious, helpless and hopeless. But the consequence can be more horrifying than anything you've ever read or heard.


Depression had ruined my clients' relationships, health, career, social and personal life. Some had even thought of committing suicide.


My office clients have paid a professional fee of $1,200.00 and more.



Your Price Only $49.77
Includes Free Shipping USA

Elsewhere +    

That's an amazing fee of only $5.59 per session! And 96% LESS than what office clients have paid me for the same sessions.



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Quit Nail Biting Hypnosis Tapes GuaranteeGrab My 90-Day, Risk Free,
 100% Money Back Guarantee.


I fully guarantee my hypnosis and NLP CDs can permanently stop depression, anxiety and stress - no matter how severe or chronic it may be - that's why I'm shouldering all the risks for you. (Read My Full Money Back Guarantee)

All of his programs are designed to mimic a series of personal one-on-one office sessions at a tiny fraction of the cost. People in over 40 countries have used Mr. Densky’s programs with great success.

Program includes: 8 Hypnosis & NLP Session Program on 2 CDs

Note: “Relax In A Flash!” is available in three formats:

A. High Quality Audio on CDs (8 Sessions). This includes a Quick Start Download of Instructional Session 1 & a Power Relaxation MP3. $49.77

B. Instant Download MP3s (8 Sessions). Full program as a series of MP3s that you download right now. No sales tax or shipping fees anywhere. $49.77

C. High Quality Audio CD (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one hypnosis session from the main program. $14.95

D. Instant Download MP3 (1 Session). Includes one instructional session and one Ericksonian hypnosis metaphor session. No sales tax or shipping fees anywhere. $14.95

Single Session Ericksonian Metaphor Titles Available:

  1. Ericksonian Metaphor about a cabin in the woods
  2. Ericksonian Metaphor about a golf game
  3. Ericksonian Metaphor about tennis
  4. Ericksonian Metaphor about hunting in the woods
  5. Ericksonian Metaphor about walking in the woods
  6. Ericksonian Metaphor about a ride in a jeep

Note: The above metaphors can be ordered in bulk at a discount Here.

After your order has completed:
A. CDs and DVDs: will be shipped to you within 24 hours.

B. MP3 Downloads: After you have completed payment, you will automatically be sent to our download page which includes instructions if needed.

MP3s Must be downloaded to a desktop computer. They may then be transferred from a desktop computer to a phone or mobile device.

Money Back Guarantee 90 Day Money Back Guarantee


Depression Hypnosis CDHigh Fidelity CDs Shipped To You
8 Sessions
“Relax In A Flash!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Stress Relief

Regular Price $68.00
Now Only $49.77
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Depression Hypnosis Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
8 Sessions
“Relax In A Flash!”
NLP & Hypnosis
Stress Relief MP3s

Regular Price $68.00
Now Only $49.77
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Depression Hypnosis CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor About
A Cabin In The Woods

Stress Relief CD

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95 + Shipping
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Depression Hypnosis Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor About
A Cabin In The Woods

Stress Relief MP3

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Now Only $14.95

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Depression Hypnosis CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor About
A Golf Ball That Has Feelings

Stress Relief

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Now Only $14.95 + Shipping

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Hypnosis Depression Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor About
A Golf Ball That Has Feelings

Stress Relief

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Depression Hypnosis CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About Playing Tennis

Stress Relief CD

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Hypnosis Depression Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About Playing Tennis

Stress Relief MP3

Regular Price $19.95
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Hypnosis For Depression CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About Hunting In The Woods

Stress Relief CD

Regular Price $19.95
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Depression Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor About
Hunting In The Woods

Stress Relief MP3

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95

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Hypnosis For Depression CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About Walking In The Woods

Stress Relief

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95 + Shipping

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Depression Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About Walking In The Woods

Stress Relief

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95

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Depression Treatment CDHigh Fidelity CD
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About A Ride In A Jeep

Stress Relief CD

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95 + Shipping

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Depression Treatment MP3 DownloadInstant MP3 Download
1 Session
Ericksonian Metaphor
About A Ride In A Jeep

Stress Relief MP3

Regular Price $19.95
Now Only $14.95

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5 Star Rating    I am feeling much, much better

By Faron Stetson 

Faron StetsonHello Alan,

I purchased your 'Relax In A Flash!' program, and it has removed all of the toxic thought patterns from my abusive childhood, and given me my life back.

About 3 1/2 years ago I had an angry exchange with a friend that I trusted. My doctor said this triggered severe anxiety and depression. At that time I didn't realize what had happened, and over that time span my health continued to get worse.

As a child I had been badly beaten in foster homes for the first three years of my life. It took some time for my doctor to figure out what was wrong. He said the anxiety and depression were coming from my subconscious. I just could not stay in the present moment - with my thoughts all over the place, past, future, and everywhere except the present moment. So the doctor sent me for therapy that helped explain why I thought the way I did all my life. The doctor put me on nerve pills that stopped me in my tracks and made me very week. They seemed to make my situation worse.

After finding your program on the Internet, I decided to try it. Now that I've used your program for about 6 weeks, I am feeling much, much better. I find that session # 8 is the best for me.

Copyright © 2012 By Alan B. Densky, CH