Beat Cravings and Lose Weight Fast! Try the Mediterranean Diet and Self Hypnosis
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Beat Cravings and Lose Weight Fast! Try the Mediterranean Diet and Self Hypnosis

By Alan B. Densky, CH

If you want the body of a Greek god, you don't have to hurl thunderbolts or battle one-eyed monsters - simply eating like the ancient idols may help you get a physique that others worship.

The Mediterranean way of eating, which is a diet plan featuring plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, whole grains and red wine, can help you attain the perfect shape. The Mediterranean diet plan has also been linked to a healthier heart and a longer life span. Red meat, fatty dairy products and foods with refined sugar sweets are rarely consumed, if ever.  

Centuries after the physically powerful gods shook things up, the Mediterranean style of eating still makes great sense as a weight loss diet because you get full on large amounts of high-fiber, low fat foods that leave you feeling satiated longer. The fruits and vegetables eaten as part of the Mediterranean diet plan are naturally low in calories, and are full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, elements your body needs to create new and healthy cells.  

The Mediterranean diet plan allows a higher fat intake than most weight loss diets, but it's healthy fat that comes from olive oil and nuts, which are rich in beneficial monounsaturated fats and low in unhealthy saturated fats, like those found in cheese, ice-cream or beef.

Just keep in mind that for higher calorie items, like the whole grains, olive oil and red wine, you still need to focus on serving sizes and overall calorie intake. The secret to any successful weight loss diet is taking in fewer calories while still feeling satisfied.

When you feel satisfied, it makes it a little easier to overcome cravings that most people who are trying to follow a weight loss diet experience. What good is a diet if you can't stick to it because your appetite is out of control?  Before you begin any weight loss diet, you'll need to find a safe, effective method to eliminate your urges, cravings, and appetite to overeat. Weight loss hypnosis is a wonderful resource to help you curb your cravings.

The average person feels cravings and an urge to eat for two main reasons:

A.  When you pair eating with any other behavior, the other behavior will trigger cravings and a compulsion to eat.

B.  When you feel tense, you feel compelled to put something into your mouth for relaxation and pleasure.

Let's talk about Part "A" first.  Over 70% of the population learns much more quickly and easily by seeing, rather then by hearing.  Think about it: If you feel an urge to eat when watching television, it's because your mind recorded the video image of food in your hand, and then associated that image with the image of the TV.  From that point, every time you watch TV, your unconscious flashes the image of the food in your hand, and you get an urge.

You've actually "programmed" your unconscious mind to make you feel cravings and urges as a "conditioned response" to watching TV. The same thing happens when you eat in your car, or while on the phone, etc.

Weight loss hypnosis will extinguish the conditioned responses simply by reprogramming your mind to have it trigger unconscious images of you watching the TV without eating.

But what about Part "B"?  Our feelings of tension are created by our thoughts. If you think upsetting thoughts, you feel tense and upset.  If you think happy thoughts, you feel happy and relaxed.

If you think an upsetting thought while you are sitting at your computer, your mind can associate that thought with the computer. Thereafter, when you sit at your computer, you have a conditioned response; your mind flashes to that upsetting thought and you feel tense. Weight loss hypnosis can help you overcome these patterns almost immediately.

The techniques used in the most successful self-hypnosis programs are based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This technology works based on the utilization of a person's existing thought processes instead of post-hypnotic suggestion. 

Video weight loss hypnosis can program your unconscious to use stressful thoughts as a trigger for relaxing thoughts.  So if you start to think of something that is upsetting, your unconscious will automatically change to a relaxing thought in a millisecond.  You become relaxed, so there are no feelings of tension to cause you cravings. And without an appetite to overeat, it's easy to lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Combining a sensible diet plan, like the Mediterranean style, along with weight loss hypnosis means you can finally overcome your cravings to get the body of a Greek god or goddess.  

© 2007By Alan B. Densky, CH.  This document may NOT be re-printed without permission. All Rights Reserved.  We are happy to syndicate our articles to approved websites.

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